Past President Presents for Series of State DOT DBE Programs

NASBP Past President John Bustard, who is Senior Vice President, Account Executive of NASBP Member firm King & Neel, made bonding presentations in February, April, and May, for a series of Hawaii State Department of Transportation programs geared towards Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program contractors. He and his colleague, Lauren Zakarian, who is Surety Account Executive at King & Neel, gave attendees an overview of the surety bonding process using NASBP slide presentations, also touching on DBE qualification and participation.

Bustard February Presentation

Bustard presented to about 30 people at the February presentation on the island of Maui.

Bustard with Hawaii DOT staff

In attendance at the February program were Daniel Williams (left) and LiSa Teri Chang (center), both of the Hawaii DOT.

Lauren Zakarian

Lauren Zakarian discussed the differences between surety bonds and insurance at the April DBE program on the island of Hawaii.

Bustard and Zakarian

Bustard and Zakarian used NASBP slide decks in their DBE program presentation in late May in Oahu, HI.

Bustard and Zakarian

Bustard and Zakarian shared their knowledge of payment bonds with DBE program contractors in this May presentation.